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Taste, Learn, And Socialize At The Chicago Whiskey Fest

Taste, Learn, And Socialize At The Chicago Whiskey Fest

Mar 07, 2018 Dr. Kristina Smolenski Nelson

Whiskey, as a spirit, has a very long history and its existence and the creation of it has been a part of several different cultural traditions for hundreds of years. If you are a whiskey lover, or if you enjoy learning more about different cultures, or both, then you’ll love attending the Chicago Whiskey Fest. The Chicago Whiskey Fest arrives on March 23rd at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago. Full of whiskey tasting, expert whiskey distillery representatives, and plenty of socializing, you’ll get to learn, taste, and make plenty of new friends.

Taste And Learn

At the Chicago Whiskey Fest, there will be several whiskey experts ready to answer your questions about whiskey. You’ll be able to talk to them about a wide variety of different types of whiskies including bourbon, Scotch, single malt, rye, Tennessee, and many more to enhance your education. Also, aside from talking about the various types of whiskies at the event, you’ll also get a chance to taste them, making this event a very fulfilling one. As you taste the different whiskies, you can talk to each expert present at each booth to hear how the whiskies are made. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to experience several seminars, and fill yourself up at the gourmet buffet.


The Chicago Whiskey Fest will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago starting at either 5:30 PM or 6:30 PM depending on your ticket choice, and ending at 9:30 PM. You have the choice of two different ticket types to purchase, which we’ve broken down for you below.

  • General Admission: $325. With this ticket, you’ll be let into the event at 6:30 PM and given several additional bonus gift items. Those gift items include a tote bag, an event program, a crystal nosing glass, a bottle of water, access to the gourmet buffet, and all the seminars.
  • VIP Ticket: $445. This ticket provides you with everything the general admission ticket offers, and also lets you into the event at 5:30 PM, one hour earlier. You’ll be able to access the booths and other parts of the event earlier and with a smaller crowd. So, you’ll have plenty of time to talk to whiskey experts in the boots before it gets crowded.

If you’d like to learn more about the Chicago Whiskey Fest, or to purchase tickets, please visit their event website located here.

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